Bob Moog , D.E.P.
me pareció no hacer mucho que leí en una web de música la noticia del grave estado de salud de Bob Moog, el creador del sintetizador como instrumento musical allá por los años setenta, ahora me acabo de enterar que ha muerto
Robert Moog, una persona curiosa, ingeniosa, y creativa, una buena persona, según los que le conocían, un visionario de la tecnología y el arte, se ha marchado sin que muchos de nosotros, que lo admirábamos, nos hallamos enterado todavía; me he emocionado al leerlo
tantos y tantos se han ido, se están yendo a cada momento, y nos iremos, que parece como que no hay motivos para llorar o simplemente apenarse por alguien o por sus seres queridos, y sin embargo, todos nos merecemos ese sentimiento cálido de nuestros semejantes, porque sin lugar a dudas, aunque desde el exterior todos parezcamos iguales, todo aparezca como igual, como datos, como informaciones, por el interior todos somos únicos, peculiares, todo un mundo sobre este mundo, dignos e igualmente importantes,
demos a cada persona la fundamental importancia que porta dentro, pese a los miles de muertos y desaparecidos en tantas desgracias del cada día, y más que a ninguna a las más cercanas de cada uno, así se abarcará cercanamente a todo el mundo
Este es un extracto del sitio de internet en donde se reflejaba el estado diario de Bob Moog
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FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 2005 09:30 PM CDT
The Bob Moog Memorial Fund
c/o WNC Community Foundation
P.O. Box 1888
Asheville, NC 28802
For more info e-mail:
MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2005 12:02 AM CDT
The Orange Peel, Social Aid & Pleasure Club
101Biltmore Ave
Asheville, NC
828 225-5851
FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 2005 01:45 PM CDT
Today Bob's breathing is very shallow. We're all spending time with him, and loving him, and hanging in there.
This is a very sad entry. We called in Hospice yesterday, when I still felt that the main help they could give us was to manage his agitation, but there has been a real change today, and it is clear that he will not be with us for much longer.
Duke reviewed the MRIs and everyone was very nice, but surgery is no more an option than earlier, and chemo is not appropriate for the late stage he is at now. We tried an anti-cancer tea that a loving customer/friend brought from Europe last week, and got what seemed to be a real response for three and a half days. But you have to be able to eat a full meal and then drink the tea, and on Sunday, after talking to me(!) and eating a good breakfast, he stopped being able to eat or drink much at all. On Monday, our nutritional consultant had several suggestions even for this late date, but you have to be able to swallow, and now that's becoming really difficult. I feel that the tumor is outwitting us.
The next few days will be hard. Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 09, 2005 09:38 PM CDT
Hi, Folks,
This is the first time I've updated without reading new messages. My apologies in advance. The last while has been difficult.
Because of his degree of fatigue and confusion, beginning in the last week of radiation, our radiation oncologist moved Bob's MRI up to last Wednesday. On Thursday we found out that the tumor has not shrunk. It has actually grown a bit. 'We' was me and two daughters, as Bob was so tired I didn't want to put him through the stress of another trip to the hospital. He and I talked about this on Sunday. We are trying to figure out what to do next. Our doctor has recommended that we ask again about surgery--the location of the tumor made Dr. Friedman at Duke decide against surgery in May--and we will hear in the next day or two from him and from the neurooncology team at Duke. There are many possible things to try, but his fatigue is making it difficult for Bob to eat and to take supplements, let alone travel or try chemo.
Despite this discouraging news, we believe in a good outcome. We ask you all to send good thoughts, positive energy, love our way. We can beat this!
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Mission Hospital and Duke Cancer Center
Asheville, NC, NC
United States
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